Host a Mixer
How to Throw a Mixer
A mixer is like an open house, held monthly and sponsored by a Chamber member. Its purpose is to promote your service by inviting the local community to come to your place of business and meet you in person, answer questions, and provide the opportunity for other business people to network with one another.
Traditionally, mixers are held monthly on a Thursday evening, after work, from 5-7 p.m. This is flexible.
How do I promote the mixer?
To promote your mixer, the chamber will mail postcards to all the chamber members. Your event will be printed in the West County Gazette, and posted on the town marquee, in front of the Odd Fellow’s Hall. There is no extra fee for these services. In addition, you should also consider:
- Mailing announcements to your mailing list
- Utilizing the local post office. The post office can mail announcements to every local postal delivery address in the area (approximately 4,000). This can be expensive but effective
- Placing an ad in the Gazette, which can also increase attendance
What should I serve?
Serve appetizers and finger foods. People love to have a glass of wine during these events but it is not necessary. Juice and sparkling waters are just fine.
What else?
Be sure to have plenty of business cards, brochures, menus, price lists, etc. to hand out. Offering promotional discounts and special offers to attendees is a nice gesture.
Many businesses give away a raffle prize. To enter the raffle, people toss their business card in a jar. After the raffle, you can add the names and addresses to your mailing list. Folks are inclined to stick around longer if you raffle off the prize at the end of the evening.
Ready to Throw Your Own Mixer?
Contact the Mixer Chair, Wendy Flowers (707) 887-2561.